Monday, December 31, 2012
2013 Resolutions
This will be a super duper quick one (I just took a shower, my hair is still wet and I've got a New Year's Eve party to go to... ahhh!!).
I love making lists (don't judge me :) so I thought I should make a New Year Resolution list (I was inspired by Lois's '28 before 29' list, which is way better than mine). I kept it short and sweet and really focused on things I TRULY want to accomplish or get done in 2013 (more on NaNoWriMo later... this is one of my biggest goals for 2013).
Happy New Year everyone! See you in 2013 (exciting!) - I know it will be a blast!
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Gore Design Co. Sinks
Apologies once again for not posting for a few weeks. I promised myself that I would NOT apologize anymore - after all, this is my blog and I would like to post whenever I'm inspired to do so and not because I feel I have to. On the other hand, I would definitely like to post more frequently... Ugh, I promise I won't bore you with the same old speech every single time I'm a bit behind my 'blog' schedule (seriously).
So, how come I haven't posted in yonks? I think there came a point where I was just getting a bit fed up with all the Christmas-related posts on all the blogs I read. Yes, this sounds a bit Bah-Humbug-ish and I swear I still love all those blogs dearly (& Christmas!) but it was just getting a bit too much. And then I got sick on Christmas Eve which didn't really help with my blog amnesia. I did have a really nice Christmas, all things considered. Buuut... I think I'm ready for a new chapter and I'm really excited for 2013! Bring it on!
Today I wanted to put a spotlight on some awesome design. I haven't really posted about anything design-related (apart from Joke's Gift Guide, which was, obviously, a guest post :), so I thought it was about time.
I recently came across these awesome sinks by Gore Design Co., an artisan studio from Tempe, Arizona, specializing in custom concrete surfaces and interiors, and immediately fell in love. Even though I'm not sure if I'd buy them for my dream house, I still think they're pretty cool.
I really love design that's 'different' and maybe pushes the boundaries a bit. And I even love design which may not exactly be my cup of tea - I know that may sound strange, but I guess I can simply appreciate things even though they're not conventionally 'pretty'.
What do you think, are you a fan of these sinks?
Tomorrow, I will be posting about New Year's resolutions, so stay tuned! And thank you so much for coming back to the blog & commenting, I really appreciate it! :)
P.S.: I'm now on Pinterest (well I have been for a while, I just never informed you guys - oops!). Totally addicted! :)
All photos by Gore Design Co., via Design Milk
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Lovely Cards
I loooove getting things in the mail! Seriously, I think I'm one of the few people who still send letters and postcards on a regular basis (although I have to admit, I haven't sent anything in a while.. and I'm not happy about it). This is what was waiting for me when I got home today - two lovely cards from two different countries. One from my friend Gígja from Iceland and another one from Simone from Taiwan, who also sent me really cute washi tapes (soo exciting!!! :). Thank you guys, you really made my day!
Monday, December 17, 2012
Guest Post: Dutch Design Gift Guide
Hi Third Culture Cool
fans! Martina asked me to come up with some nice gift ideas. So here is some
Dutch design inspiration!
For anyone
who is forced to take their shot of caffeine from the office coffee machine;
Rob Brandt’s crushed cups at least make it look good.
For the
bird lover who wants to give her garden visitors a three star dining
experience; Marcel Wanders Birdhouse.
For the
IKEA-lovers out there. A Dutch-Swedish collaboration; PS Jonsberg designed by Hella Jongerius.
(and expensive…) World Skin Colors Scarves for your friends from all over the world by Reineke Otten.
Thank you SO much, Joke! What's your favourite item? I just love the Miffy lamp - I will definitely have to buy it one day. :) The crushed cups are pretty amazing as well.
Hope everyone is enjoying the holidays!
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Baby, It's Cold Outside.
Today I got my wish - snow! It's been snowing for a few hours now and Prague suddenly looks completely different. The Old Town especially looks really magical (except for Old Town Square.. I'll never be a fan of the Christmas market there, wayyy too touristy & crowded). I met up with my friend Jitka in the afternoon and we went to a cozy little cafe close to the Charles Bridge. Afterwards, I just had to snap some super touristy pics on said bridge. The pic of my friend and I was taken by a really funny man who first insisted on taking a picture with me ('the photo will be really nice if I'm in it') and then finally offered to take a pic of the two us. :D All in all, I had a really cozy day today!
What have you been up to?
P.S.: So many blogs have really cool Christmas posts this year, so here are some Christmas-themed links for your enjoyment:
Fun gift ideas by Maiju, whom I interviewed a while back.
Brittany from The House that Lars Built has asked her favourite Scandinavian bloggers to share their personal Christmas traditions in her 'My Scandinavian Christmas' column. Every day leading up to Christmas, a different blogger shares their story.
Cool Christmas giveaway.
A really touching Christmas ad.
Aaaand... a thrifty Christmas gift guide.
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Emerald 2013
Today I wanted to talk about the colour emerald green. Why? Every December, Pantone releases its colour of the coming year and this year, emerald green ('17-5641 Emerald' to be more precise) is the 'winner'. Check out Pantone's Holiday Look Book Pinterest board, which features emerald green-inspired gift ideas. Plus, isn't this emerald iPhone 5 case really cool?
What do you think of this choice? Personally, I love it. It's a bit strange for me to say, though, because I've never really been a fan of the colour green (not only emerald, but most shades of green). That all changed this summer though - I think I got bored of always (ALWAYS) buying pastel-coloured clothes and, well, things in general. I also fell in love with this nailpolish - it so wasn't 'me', but I think that's why I loved it (and love it) even more. Sometimes you need a crazy pop of colour in your life.
I'd love to hear your thoughts on the whole emerald subject. Hope everyone is enjoying the Christmas holiday season (I'm still waiting for snow). x
Story via Whitney Port
Photo from Christmas Stock Images
Monday, December 3, 2012
Guest Post - Washi Tape Christmas DIY
Today's post is a bit of a blogging milestone - it's the first guest post here at Third Culture Cool. I recently asked Jana from Mode de Boulangerie, one of my favourite Czech blogs, whether she'd be up for writing a guest post for my blog. Needless to say, she was more than happy to do so, and in return I contributed to her blog (I compiled a Christmas gift guide, check it out!).
I guess Jana is a mind-reader because her guest post DIY is washi-tape-themed (and you all know my obsession with the latter ;). (English version in italics)
Dobrý den! Dnes jsem tady na návštěvě a proto jsem chtěla přispět něčím, co mě baví, co mám ráda, co mě tak trochu vystihuje. Ráda se obklopuji krásnými věcmi a snad se mi v tomto duchu daří zařizovat i naše bydlení. Proto jsem se rozhodla o příspěvek typu DIY, který mi bude navíc blízký i tématicky. Tvoření ve spojení s interiérem mě neskutečně naplňuje a je to můj největší koníček hned po mém blogu. Tvoření s washi páskami je velká zábava a když si tím ještě zkrášlím bydlení, tak to vůbec nemá chybu. Kdo mě čte pravidelně ví o mé posedlosti po parůžcích. Miluju jeleny! Proto, když jsem viděla tento obrázek, bylo rozhodnuto.
I guess Jana is a mind-reader because her guest post DIY is washi-tape-themed (and you all know my obsession with the latter ;). (English version in italics)
Dobrý den! Dnes jsem tady na návštěvě a proto jsem chtěla přispět něčím, co mě baví, co mám ráda, co mě tak trochu vystihuje. Ráda se obklopuji krásnými věcmi a snad se mi v tomto duchu daří zařizovat i naše bydlení. Proto jsem se rozhodla o příspěvek typu DIY, který mi bude navíc blízký i tématicky. Tvoření ve spojení s interiérem mě neskutečně naplňuje a je to můj největší koníček hned po mém blogu. Tvoření s washi páskami je velká zábava a když si tím ještě zkrášlím bydlení, tak to vůbec nemá chybu. Kdo mě čte pravidelně ví o mé posedlosti po parůžcích. Miluju jeleny! Proto, když jsem viděla tento obrázek, bylo rozhodnuto.
Hello! Since I'm a 'guest' on this blog, I wanted to contribute with something that I like, something that's 'me'. I like to surround myself with beautiful things and I tend to decorate my house keeping that in mind. This is why I decided to do a DIY guest post which would also be close to my heart thematically. One of my biggest hobbies - apart from blogging - is working on the interior of my house. Working with washi tapes is a lot of fun and when I get to make my house prettier when using said tapes, it's even better. My regular readers know that I am obsessed with antlers. I love deer! This is why, when I saw the photo below, I knew what I wanted to do.
![]() |
Pro toto vánoční období mi bude ozdobou jelení
hlava vytvořena washi páskami.
This Christmas holiday, my place will be decorated with a washi tape mounted deer head.
Thank you so much, Jana! Isn't this a really cool idea? And really easy as well (perfect for people who aren't such skilled crafters.. *cough cough*.. ME). This year, I won't be able to make this mounted deer head (not enough space). Hopefully that will change sometime in the near future.
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Today is my birthday (I'm 27... I feel ooooold). I just wanted to share the above pic of me back in the day - check out my hipster hair (and my emo expression.. ha)!
I spent the day with my family eating lots of good food.
AAAND... this video totally made my day! Joke, you rock.
Friday, November 30, 2012
Interview with Henrik Aarrestad Uldalen
Today I bring you guys a special treat! I recently came across the artist Henrik Aarrestad Uldalen and I immediately fell in love. His dream-like paintings were unlike anything I had seen before. I was interested in finding out about the inspiration behind Henrik's art, so I asked him whether he would be up for an email interview. And he said yes! His answers are honest and thought-provoking. Definitely a rising star in the art world!
What prompted you to become an artist? Tell us about your personal journey.
I have always done and enjoyed art. Mostly drawings. It is probably the only thing I've been remotely good at. But at the same time, I didn't really manage to pull off exactly what I wanted. It wasn't before I reached the age of around 21, under my education for being a teacher, that I discovered oil painting, and with that decided that it was indeed an artist that I wanted to be. With oil painting I could do what I previously had failed to do.
Which artists inspire you the most? Are there any young artists such as yourself which are among your favourites?
I find inspiration in a lot of different artists, both living and dead. From concept art to classic fine art and photography. Many of these artists are young, in their 20-30-40's.
Your paintings are one-of-a-kind - in my opinion, they represent a return to realism while also retaining a very individual, 'contemporary' quality. And then there is also the indescribable dream-like quality of the art - it is as if we have all seen these paintings in a previous life. Can you tell us a little bit behind this concept?
Thank you for that. I'm always striving for better craftsmanship in my art, as I think that modernist art have neglected it for many years. It seems that the appreciation of a well executed piece of art, with solid craftsmanship is on an offensive. A renaissance. I agree that a good idea is important in art. But if the idea is the only thing with the piece, it should be an amazing idea. Which I think many of the conceptual artists today don't have. Of course with some exceptions.
I have certain works with very concrete motives, and some that I simply don't know how to describe with words. I have always been fascinated by art that is both beautiful and dark. Art that is subtle and dual. That has perhaps rubbed of on the way my paintings look.
I feel like your art is very 'Scandinavian' - the subtle hues, the soft emotions... Is your art influenced in any way by your nationality? Do you think the fact that you're Norwegian permeates your artworks?
I do believe that growing up in Norway has a lot to do with how my paintings look today. On the other hand, much of my inspiration has come over the internet. I also think that it's hard to define a specific style as typical Scandinavian. We have all sorts of art. But I'm sure the long winters have an effect on the mind. We do have black metal as one of our biggest exports.
How do you think your style will develop in the future? Would you also like to beging working on completely different projects?
I have no idea. I live from painting to painting. It's so many things I want to do. Luckily I have a lot of years left to do just that.
What was the most exciting point in your career so far?
I would have to say that making the cover on Hi Fructose vol. 24 was pretty damn cool! I have loved that magazine a long time.
Which of your own artworks is your favourite?
I personally like the pieces where I have challenged myself with complex buildings and backgrounds the best. But the pieces I enjoy the most in the process is without doubt the portraits. I love painting portraits.
And finally, a question I have to ask... What advice do you have for aspiring artists?
Bust a move! And also, practice a lot.
Thank you so much, Henrik!
All photos courtesy of Henrik Aarrestad Uldalen.
Thank you Simone for the inspiration!
Thank you so much, Henrik!
All photos courtesy of Henrik Aarrestad Uldalen.
Thank you Simone for the inspiration!
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Christmas Feeling
Holla! I'm beginning to get that Christmas feeling... Not really when I'm out and about though, a lot of the Christmas decorations in the centre of Prague are (sadly) quite tacky. Plus everyone is going CRAZY with all the shopping. These days I really don't like going to big shopping centres or supermarkets (and let me tell you, I usually don't mind indulging in a bit of shopping) because of the huge crowds. But in general, I really love Christmas. For me, it's all about the 'cozy' feeling (there's a perfect Dutch word which describes this: gezelligheid). Cheesy, but true.
This is why I'm feeling the Christmas spirit these days:
On Monday I received a parcel from Canada and this is what was inside it! My friend Jason sent over all of these things - what a cool dude! :) I really wasn't expecting any of this, it made me super happy. I mean, books, chocolates AND Spongebob.. what could be better? PLUS check out that wrapping technique! Thank you so much, Jason (& my friend Anja who helped pick out the chocolates)! I guess this is my first Christmas present. :)
Christmas goodies! OK, the 'kruidnoten' aren't technically associated with Christmas - they're eaten at Sinterklaas, a Dutch holiday which takes place in the beginning of December. I got them from my friend Joke who clearly knows just how much I miss the Netherlands. She brought over a Dutch goodie bag when she was here in Prague a few weeks ago - maybe I should do a post on all the cool stuff as well. ;)
Plus it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas (bad pun, I know :) in our apartment.
Are you already feeling the Christmas spirit? Or are you still in denial (like I was up until a few days ago)? x
This is why I'm feeling the Christmas spirit these days:
On Monday I received a parcel from Canada and this is what was inside it! My friend Jason sent over all of these things - what a cool dude! :) I really wasn't expecting any of this, it made me super happy. I mean, books, chocolates AND Spongebob.. what could be better? PLUS check out that wrapping technique! Thank you so much, Jason (& my friend Anja who helped pick out the chocolates)! I guess this is my first Christmas present. :)
Christmas goodies! OK, the 'kruidnoten' aren't technically associated with Christmas - they're eaten at Sinterklaas, a Dutch holiday which takes place in the beginning of December. I got them from my friend Joke who clearly knows just how much I miss the Netherlands. She brought over a Dutch goodie bag when she was here in Prague a few weeks ago - maybe I should do a post on all the cool stuff as well. ;)
Plus it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas (bad pun, I know :) in our apartment.
Are you already feeling the Christmas spirit? Or are you still in denial (like I was up until a few days ago)? x
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Matthew Williamson 15 Years
Isn't this short film celebrating Matthew Williamson's 15 years in fashion magical? Stunning images such as the ones in the film above are what fashion is about (for me, at least). And I love the 17th century country house featured in the video - when can I move in?
Monday, November 26, 2012
Liebster Award
Yesterday the lovely Mirjam from Hallo September nominated me for the Liebster Award! I was really honoured that she chose me, along with 10 other bloggers, since I have only been blogging for 2 months.
Thank you so much Mirjam! I really appreciate it.
The Liebster award is given to smaller and upcoming bloggers in the blogosphere. It's also a great way of finding out about new blogs - when you win the Liebster Award, you answer a few questions, give the award to 11 other blogs (some say it's 5? I guess a lot of people make their own rules) and ask them 11 new questions.
Here are my answers to Mirjam's questions:
What's your favourite moment of the day?
Definitely the evening. I'm not really properly awake in the morning, I'm more of a night owl. I love lazy evenings when I just read or check my favourite blogs - bliss! I also love going out for dinner... too much. My wallet ain't too happy about the last one.
As a child, what did you want to become 'when I'm old' (and did you)?
I wanted to be an artist or a writer! I really loved drawing and writing (I even started my own magazine when I was around 9 - I'll talk about that in an upcoming post ;) and at one point I *almost* illustrated a children's book (that's my claim to fame!). Somehow it didn't work out in the end though... I don't really have artistic aspirations anymore, but I'm still very much interested in art - I mean, I have an MA in Arts Management. I go to a lot of art exhibitions and just generally like to stay up-to-date with what's shaking up the art world. And I still want to write a book one day, that's one of my biggest dreams/goals. So I guess my interests have more or less stayed the same. :)
What's your favourite magazine?
OK, this is a tough one. I'm addicted to magazines! I was truly in magazine heaven when I lived in Scotland during my bachelor studies - there's SO many cool British magazines. I even wrote my BA thesis on fashion blogs vs fashion magazines, so yeah, it's super hard for me to choose a favourite. I like Elle Decoration UK and Vogue Paris a lot (although I don't like Vogue Paris as much as I used to now that Emmanuelle Alt is the editor-in-chief). I also really like the Czech magazine Dolce Vita.
Do you eat Chinese food with chopsticks?
Haha! I try, but anyway I don't really eat Chinese food that often. But I definitely eat sushi with chopsticks! :D
Tell about a family tradition.
Ringing the bell when Christmas presents are 'ready'. This is usually something you do when you have kids (it's meant to mean that Baby Jesus dropped some presents off.. yes, I also think it's weird!). Even though Czech people are really not religious (AT ALL), this Baby Jesus thing is somehow still a popular part of Christmas. The thing is, my parents somehow didn't get the memo that I'm (almost) 27 & this tradition is still going strong in our family. :D
Are you afraid of spiders?
No, not really (maybe only the humongous ones..). Actually, I always feel sorry for spiders when people kill them.
Do you mind losing a (board) game?
I think I always act all cool and people probably think I really don't mind losing, but let me tell you something... I can be very competitive. And I do not like losing. ;)
Red or white wine?
Rosé. ;)
Name your favourite city.
Again, super tough! I'll always, always love Montreal - I lived there for 5 years with my family about 10 years ago and it'll always hold a special place in my heart. I love my dear Helsinki for similar reasons. But if I could just pick a city where I'd live for the rest of my life at this very moment, I think I'd either go for Copenhagen or Stockholm. Maybe Copenhagen would win because of their bike culture - major brownie points!
If you could choose another first name which one would it be?
I love this question because even as a kid, I always envied people with middle names. Last year I found out that you can actually 'get' a middle name quite easily in the Czech Republic - you just go to the city registry office, choose your new middle name, pay a fee and voilà! You've got yourself a brand new middle name. Ever since then, I've been thinking about possible middle names & I think I'm pretty much set on Filippa at the moment (if I ever decide to go through with it).
What's the first blog you read after starting up your computer?
I always go to my Google Reader & check all the newest posts. But I'm always really excited to read posts by Rachel, Niki and Brinja.
Here are my nominees:
Head in the Clouds
My Scandinavian Home
Heart With Companion
Mode de Boulangerie
Recycling Mama
And here are the questions:
What's your secret hidden talent?
What's your favourite food?
How would you describe your fashion style?
What's your favourite spot in your home city?
Are you a sporty person?
What's the best restaurant you've ever been to?
What's your favourite song at the moment?
I kept my choices relatively short, as you can see (as opposed to my answers :D). Anyway, I'm excited to read all the answers of those who decide to participate!
Edit: I forgot to thank everyone for the lovely comments on my last post. I'm thankful for every single comment, but last time you guys really made my day. Thank you!
Top photo source
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Thursday Thoughts
I haven't really had the best week so far. I was quite hopeful about a job a while ago (things looked really promising!) but now I'm not that sure anymore. :-/ I've been feeling really unmotivated job-wise in the past few... months, I guess (I was going to say weeks, but 'months' is closer to truth). I guess all I can do is keep my chin up, keep trying & hope for the best! I just wanted to put these feelings out there because while blogs can make a person's life seem like a fairy-tale, everyone has their own struggles. Personally, I'd like this blog to mainly focus on positive elements - that can't always be the case though!
The above two photos sum up two things that have inspired me lately.
1. Just a photo I really like - found it in Dolce Vita magazine. This is one of my favourite Czech magazines, it's all about fashion, design and architecture.
2. Swedish lessons every Thursday! I looove going to the classes, the group is super relaxed and fun and our teacher rocks. And getting better at Swedish is really exciting! :)
Top photo by Benedikt Renč for the November 2012 issue of Dolce Vita
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Dream Destinations
I had such a good time with my friend Joke last week that I guess I'm still in the post-holiday mood. That's why I only got back to blogging today. Sometimes you need a bit of a break, right? And while I would love to post quite frequently in the future, I have to acknowledge the fact that won't always be possible. I really love blogging though, no question about it! :)
Today I'd like to talk about the places I would love to visit sometime in the future - I've narrowed my list down to a total of 3 destinations. I love traveling but visiting these places is not really (financially) possible at the moment... I really do believe that one day I'll see them, though!
1. Japan
Out of my 3 top places, Japan has been on my 'list' the longest. And no, my short-lived high school J-Rock obsession has nothing to do with that. ;) But seriously, there's so many reasons why I'd like to go to Japan: the food, the over-the-top techy atmosphere, the crazy fashion (Harajuku!), all the kawaii stuff (I think I'd go crazy over this one ;), bullet trains, Kyoto and geishas, karaoke, and just the 'uniqueness' of it all. I also have a few friends from Tokyo and I'd love to visit them & hang out in all the non-touristy places as well. One day, one day!
2. Iceland
To me, Iceland is a bit of a mysterious country, a country where it's still OK to believe in fairy-tales, a country with hauntingly beautiful nature. I first found out about the awesomeness of Iceland when I was studying in Scotland and met my friend Gigja (who's now working with a few people to turn an old fish factory into a creative art space!) for the first time. Ever since then, I've wanted to visit Iceland - I mean, which other country has made such a cool tourism promotional video? Also, I'd love to go to the Iceland Airwaves music festival one day - amazing music and an awesome location, done! Plus, you know, Icelanders are kooky (and all look like supermodels apparently).
3. Faroe Islands
I may or may not have fallen in love with the Faroe Islands after watching a certain H&M video last year. ;) I know, I know, the video is completely staged and apparently there is no H&M on the Faroe Islands (irony!), but still... I think my dream of spending a few nights in a super cozy cabin in a completely secluded area could come true on the Faroe Islands. Lovely, right?
What are your dream destinations? Let me know, I'd love to hear them all! :)
Thursday, November 15, 2012
I'm still here!
Sorry for being off the radar this week! My friend Joke is visiting Prague so I've been hanging out with her, eating lots of yummy food, going to really cool exhibitions and going crazy over Skyfall & Daniel Craig videos on Youtube... just having a really good time! It's really nice having her here. :) The funny thing is, Joke (at times) seems to know Prague better than me... Ha :D So much for being the local who should know everything about their own city!
The pics above showcase our fabulous Prague adventures:
1. Me in Choco Café aka the 'Death by Chocolate' place. I think this is the first picture of me on the blog, so.. hi! Nice to meet you! :)
2. More Choco Café goodness! Joke went for the 72% white hot chocolate with banana and strawberries. I was more of a sissy and decided to get the cocoa. It was still really rich though!
3. The famous John Lennon wall.
4. Love locks.
5. Joke and I near the National Theatre. We both got our hair done that day - hence the smiles!
6. Breakfast at Café Louvre today. Salmon croissant, fruit salad and fresh mint tea. Not too shabby!
7. Really cool exhibition in the Rudolfinum Gallery (remember I mentioned that I wanted to go see it in my very first post?) which showcases contemporary British painting. Some of the details on the paintings were really crazy!
(All the photos were taken by Joke, except the last one. I haven't been taking that many pictures, I always seem to forget about the fact that I have my camera with me these days!).
I guess I won't really be posting till Sunday, but I promise that I will make it up to everyone next week. I already have some posts lined up. :) Have a nice weekend (almost there!).
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Sunday Breakfast
What's your favourite (Sunday) breakfast? I love banana and nutella toast paired with a nice big mug of English breakfast tea (with milk!). Maybe not the healthiest option, but certainly the tastiest. :) Do you have any breakfast preferences or recommendations?
P.S.: I'm still in awe of the film Laurence Anyways, which I saw yesterday. The director, Xavier Dolan, is only 23(!!) and has already directed three amazing films. I suggest watching all three! It seems that lately I've been on an 'amazing film' streak...
Friday, November 9, 2012
Washi Tape Obsession
I've got a brand new obsession - washi tapes aka masking tapes. I guess I'm 'kind of' late to this trend (cough cough :), but if it weren't for my friend Risa, I wouldn't have gotten so obsessed in the first place. She sent me my very first Paperchase washi tape (the blue one at the very bottom). And then I read a post on one of my favourite Czech blogs, which was talking about a really cool Czech washi tape e-shop. And the rest is history... Obviously my collection is still very humble, but hopefully it will grow in the not-too-distant future. :) The thing is, I'm not really a 'crafts' person. So what do I use the tapes for? Well, I love paper, stationery, notebooks... So far, I've used the tapes to decorate my Moleskine notebooks and also to spruce up some of the weekly entries. Also, washi tapes are really useful when it comes to wrapping presents. I'm sure you've seen loads of pictures of presents wrapped in simple brown paper and decorated with washi tape - it looks amazing! I plan on wrapping my Christmas presents that way this year. :)
What do you think, are you just as obsessed with washi tapes as I am? Or maybe you're even more obsessed (seriously, that video gives me major washi tape envy!)?
P.S.: Check out a really easy washi tape DIY from one of my favourite blogs (I know, I know, I seem to have many faves... I read a lot of blogs though! :).
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Laundry Cafe
Today I met up with a friend in a really cool cafe - it's called Prádelna Café, 'prádelna' meaning laundry. You can see the laundry theme in the last photo. :) This place is fast becoming one of my favourite spots in Prague - it's non-smoking (I really, really hope the Czech Republic will adopt the non-smoking policy ASAP), has a cozy interior (obviously the pics don't do it justice), and serves delicious and healthy food that won't break the bank. Plus it's located in a really nice neighbourhood, Vinohrady. If you're ever in Prague, I highly recommend you check it out.
Monday, November 5, 2012
George Harrison: Living in the Material World
I've never really been a huge Beatles fan. Sure, I like some of their songs, but I just never really got the whole Beatles craze. I was always more of a Bowie girl (and I still am :). I actually used to think the Beatles were a bit overrated (I know, I know: blasphemy!). And then on Saturday, after going to see the 'George Harrison: Living in the Material World' documentary, I saw the light. Seriously, if you still haven't seen this film, DO SO NOW. I guarantee you will love it, even if you're not a full-fledged Beatles fan. It's both funny and heartbreaking - at the end of the film there wasn't a dry eye in the house. It's not only a documentary about a musical phenomenon, but also about a man's journey to find the meaning of life. I love it.
Btw... the film is 208 minutes long. You heard right. That's 3 hours and a half. But it's so worth it!
Top photo from The Fire Wire
Friday, November 2, 2012
Interview with Maiju from 'my 2nd hand life'
TGIF! I'm really excited about today's post and I hope you will be too! On Wednesday I dropped a hint that I would be posting about something exciting soon and, well, it seems that 'soon' is today (I'm pretty impatient, if you haven't noticed yet ;). Soooo... a few days ago I asked the lovely Maiju from my 2nd hand life if I could do an email interview with her and she said yes! She was super nice about it too. :) For those who don't know Maiju's blog, it mainly centres on interior design - Maiju often blogs about her own home as well as things that inspire her. You really have to check her blog out, it's filled with beautiful photographs (Maiju's house is just amazing!) and witty posts. It really is one of my favourites! I wanted to interview Maiju as I was curious to find out about the story behind her blog.
Tell us a bit about how your blogging journey began. When did you start your blog and what inspired you to do so?
I started blogging in 2007 on my maternity leave. InFinland the
maternity leave is 10 months, so I needed a nice hobby that I could do at home.
I have always been interested in interior decorating, but when I at the time
discovered interior blogs, I really became fascinated with the field and wanted
to start my own blog too. My 2nd hand life blog I have had for two years now.
What do you like the most about blogging? Has blogging changed your life in any significant way?
has so many amazing designers, who is your favourite?
Tell us a bit about how your blogging journey began. When did you start your blog and what inspired you to do so?
I started blogging in 2007 on my maternity leave. In
What do you like the most about blogging? Has blogging changed your life in any significant way?
Yes, it has definitely changed my life in a positive sense.
I'm a creative person and blogging is a great way to express yourself and your
ideas I think. And to get inspiration from other bloggers. Also the feedback
from the readers has been amazing and really made me more confident about my
visions and skills! And that's priceless, I think!
Apart from blogging, what do you fill your days with?
I'm a mum for a 5 year old boy and soon for a little girl
too, if everything goes like expected. I'm also a public servant on the public
sector on daytime - a job that isn't that creative all the time, but needs
constant rethinking and new ideas too. I think that these two sides (being a
blogger and having an administrative dayjob) go well together :)
You have a great eye for interior design, where do you
draw your inspiration from? Has your 'interior style' changed at all in the
past few years? What 'motifs' do you love using in your place?
Thank you, I read lot of blogs from everywhere - mostly from
Europe though. I love the Danish style of
interior decoration - black and white, contrasts, vintage items, playful
details mixed with good design. A bit bohemian look I guess. To live in an
older home with wooden floors, old windows and doors, several fireplaces and so
on is something that I enjoy and appreciate everyday! I think my style has
changed from more ruff industrial vintage to more clearer style with more
modern design during the recent years.
What's your favourite thing about living in Finland ?
Four seasons absolutely, all though having a long and dark
winter feels many times a bit tuff...
This is a difficult question, I really can't pick one. But I
think that for example Marimekko has a nice brand and products.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Hopefully happy with my family of four persons! I would also
like to develop my blog and blogging to a stage, where I could earn some of my
income from there. Just to have more freedom in life and do the things I love!
Thank you so much, Maiju! You rock :)
Photos of Maiju's house courtesy of my 2nd hand life
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